Envision a Nu You

Lose inches in just 3 short weeks!

Taking Body Contouring to the Next Level

First, we would like to say that we’re sorry for not updating our blog! We hope you all had a fantastic summer. We have been working hard, and we have some exciting announcements for you!

As you know, Nu Body Contouring is constantly striving to meet our clients’ needs. We’ve had the privilege to help people, throughout Pittsburgh, lose inches, gain confidence and love their “nu” bodies.

Well, it’s time for us to take body contouring to the next level, which is why Nu Body Contouring has now become INEVO Contouring: The Evolution of a New You! We are excited to serve the Pittsburgh area with FOUR locations, including: Downtown, the North Hills, Monroeville and the South Hills!

INEVO Contouring is committed to helping you transform your bodies and improve your health! So we invite you to join us at our new blog, which will feature exciting posts including: amazing before and after pictures and testimonials, “Enjoy or Avoid” which provides you with tips on what foods to enjoy and what foods to avoid, expert advice from professionals throughout the Pittsburgh area, and so much more!

So subscribe to our new blog, bookmark our page, or just check back often! Also, join us on Facebook for special offers, promotions and so much more! And if you’d like to learn more about INEVO Contouring, feel free to visit our website! Thank you again for allowing us to help you look better and feel healthier!

Our new website: www.inevocontouring.com

Our new blog: http://inevocontouring.wordpress.com/

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