Envision a Nu You

Lose inches in just 3 short weeks!

Taking Body Contouring to the Next Level

First, we would like to say that we’re sorry for not updating our blog! We hope you all had a fantastic summer. We have been working hard, and we have some exciting announcements for you!

As you know, Nu Body Contouring is constantly striving to meet our clients’ needs. We’ve had the privilege to help people, throughout Pittsburgh, lose inches, gain confidence and love their “nu” bodies.

Well, it’s time for us to take body contouring to the next level, which is why Nu Body Contouring has now become INEVO Contouring: The Evolution of a New You! We are excited to serve the Pittsburgh area with FOUR locations, including: Downtown, the North Hills, Monroeville and the South Hills!

INEVO Contouring is committed to helping you transform your bodies and improve your health! So we invite you to join us at our new blog, which will feature exciting posts including: amazing before and after pictures and testimonials, “Enjoy or Avoid” which provides you with tips on what foods to enjoy and what foods to avoid, expert advice from professionals throughout the Pittsburgh area, and so much more!

So subscribe to our new blog, bookmark our page, or just check back often! Also, join us on Facebook for special offers, promotions and so much more! And if you’d like to learn more about INEVO Contouring, feel free to visit our website! Thank you again for allowing us to help you look better and feel healthier!

Our new website: www.inevocontouring.com

Our new blog: http://inevocontouring.wordpress.com/

Happy Clients on a Happy Friday!

Happy Friday! Nu Body Contouring is a having a very busy summer! In May, we helped  people get their bodies bathing suit ready. Then, June came along, and we offered special packages to brides, bridal parties and anyone who was even attending a wedding (what can we say, we love a good love story!).

And we have to brag a little because our patients got amazing results. Our goal at Nu Body Contouring is to make our patients’ happy, and we get so excited when we meet their goals and help them turn their dream bodies into reality! In case you are wondering what our new patients have to say about us, you should visit our website! We have updated it with new before and after photos, testimonials, and our newest monthly special, which we are excited to announce is “Destination Month“!

Are you planning a big trip for the months ahead? Going to the beach? What about going on a cruise? Well no matter you destination, we’d love to know where you are going, and we would love to help you reach your body contouring goals before your trip. It doesn’t take long, and in 3 weeks, you could lose 5-12 inches from your trouble spots!

If you’re ready to schedule your consultation, then contact us today at: info@nubodycontouring.com. Remember to ask about our July promotion. And if you can’t print off our online coupon, no worries! Just show us this mobile coupon on the phone, and you’re good to go! Hope you’re enjoying your summer (the months are just flying by!).


Slimming Tips

Photo courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net

You’ve found the perfect bikini. You’ve planned the perfect vacation. So isn’t now the perfect time to improve your body and restore your health? If you’re committed to making a change to not only look better but feel better, then we’re here to help! Below are 5 easy tips to help you melt away the inches!

Go Green! Green tea has been shown to help your body rid itself of fluids, which makes you feel less bloated. Green tea also has extraordinary powers in helping you burn fat and lower cholesterol. Still not convinced? As an added bonus, research has show green tea can also help fight cancer and heart disease. So pour yourself a glass and enjoy!

 Hot, hot hot! Chillies have been found to be a natural fat burner by raising your metabolism up to 23%. They also have been shown to improve heart health and lower blood sugar level. Try frying chillies with a bit of olive oil and adding them to grilled veggies or grilled chicken.

Just say no! Saying no to sodas is essential to getting your body bathing suit ready. Not only are sodas loaded with calories and sugar, even the diet sodas can leave you bloated. Try substituting one glass of soda with a glass of ice-cold water with lime.

Straighten up! By improving your posture and standing up straight, you can pull your stomach in and improve the curvature of your back. Holding yourself up and demanding attention also increases your confidence, which we think is beautiful!

It’s time to envision a Nu you! Nu Body Contouring is committed to helping you melt away the stubborn areas of fat to reveal the real you! If you’re ready to lose inches quickly, painlessly and easily, then you’re ready for the most advanced and innovative LipoLaser. Turn your dream body into a reality by contacting Nu Body Contouring at: 412. 697.2293!


Hearty Buckwheat and Banana Cereal

Cereal is the most important meal of the day! You’re mom is right (again), but you have to be careful what kinds of cereals you choose. Look at the calories and sugar contained in a each cereal. Even if it sounds healthy, it doesn’t mean that it is. Below is a hearty buckwheat and banana recipe that will fill you up and give you energy throughout your day, courtesy of Lifestyle Innovations!

What You’ll Need

-1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

-2 cups soy milk

-1/4 tsp ground nutmeg

-1 small banana

-1 cup buckwheat

1 1/2 tbsp ground flaxseed

-2 tbsp walnuts


1. Cut the small banana into slices.

2. Place buckwheat, soy milk, cinnamon, nutmeg and sliced banana into a medium saucepan.

3. Bring contents to a boil, stirring frequently.

4. Cover pan and reduce heat to low.

5. Simmer on low for 20 minutes, or until buckwheat is tender.

6. Top with ground flaxseeds and chopped walnuts.

7. Enjoy!


Breakfast of Champions

Cereal is the breakfast of champions, or is it? About 1/3 of Americans eat cereal for breakfast everyday, but whether or not that’s a good thing depends on the choices you make in the grocery store. Below are 5 of the worst cereals for you and some other options to consider.

1. Kellogg’s Raisin Bran has a whooping 190 calories and packs in 19 g of sugars. This cereal’s claim to fame? It has more sugar than Lucky Charms, Reese’s Puffs and Cocoa Krispies. Instead try Kellogg’s All Bran, and add in your own small cup of raisins.
2. General Mills Chocolate Chex might not make a good breakfast, but it does make a decent dessert. The cereal is loaded with 174 calories and 11 g of sugars. If you really want a chocolate treat, pick up Cookie Crisp.
3. General Mills Chex Multi-Bran might have a “hint of sweetness”, which really means it is loaded with 210 calories, 13 g of sugars. A better option is Post Shredded Wheat Original Spoon Size.
4. Kellogg’s Smart Start Healthy Heart makes you think that you are getting a “good for you” cereal; however, even with the added vitamins and nutrients, the sugar content is just way to high. This cereal has 230 calories, 17 g of sugars. If you are look for a healthier option, try Kashi Vive.
5. Quaker Express Golden Brown Sugar is convenient with its pre-packaged serving size, but it’s not worth the  200 calories, 18 g of sugars. Swap in Quaker High Fiber Cinnamon Swirl for a healthier start to your morning!

Fit into Your Itsy Bitsy Bikini

So spring is here, which means bathing suit season is just around the corner! So what can you do to fit into that itsy bitsy bikini?  Nu Body Contouring‘s innovative LipoLaser can help you lose inches just in time for the beach!

We are also committed to helping you keep those inches off. Each week will be offering you top tips to stay slim! This week our advice is to eat! Yes you heard right, eat! Below are 5 powerful “super foods”, which have been shown to prevent chronic disease, keep your mind sharp, and help keep you slim!

We are also happy to provide you with a delicious black bean and corn salsa recipe, courtesy of Lifestyle Innovations!

1. Black beans: These little beans contain a whopping 15 grams of satisfying protein without any saturated fat.

 2. Avocados: Don’t be afraid of fats! You just need to know what fats are good for you, and avocados have healthy monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), which help to quiet your hunger.

 3. Broccoli: This little cruciferous veggie packs a punch of filling fiber, which helps to prevent weight problems, and as a bonus is well-known for its cancer-preventing powers!

 4. Grapefruit: Even if you keep your diet exactly the same, just eating half a grapefruit before each meal may help you lose up to a pound a week!

 5. Green tea: This drink helps to fill you up (just like water), and an added bonus, the antioxidants will help you burn fat!

Black Bean and Corn Salsa Recipe

What You’ll Need

  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 medium red bell pepper
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 15 oz canned black beans
  • 11 oz canned corn
  • 3 tbsp fresh cilantro
  • 1 tbsp lime juice
  • 1 medium orange bell pepper
  • 1/4 small red onion
  • 3 tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 1 medium yellow bell pepper


  1. Drain and rinse black beans and corn, then set aside
  2. Chop peppers, onion, cilantro and mince garlic
  3. Combine black beans, corn, peppers, onion, garlic and cilantro in large mixing bowl
  4. Add vinegar, oil, and lime juice and mix together well
  5. Serve with tortilla chips, over top grilled chicken, pork, fish or even a salad!
  6. Enjoy!

Get ready for bathing suit season!

Photo courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net

Spring is here, which means summer is just around the corner! It’s time to start getting your body bathing suit ready, but what if diet and exercise just isn’t getting rid of those stubborn areas of fat? Nu Body Contouring is the solution!

Our Nu Body System is designed around the most advanced and innovative laser, the Lapex BCS LipoLaser, which utilizes cold laser technology to effectively and painlessly melt away the inches and contour your body!

Our laser is 100% non-invasive, and with our effective treatments there is no surgery and no downtime, like other invasive surgeries. Our LipoLaser is proven to remove stubborn areas of fat from your:

– chin
– arms
– waist & love handles
– buttocks
– thighs & calves

See what our patients have to say about Nu Body Contouring:

“These treatments were a kick start to the new me. I am amazed and excited about all the new possibilities, and I am motivated to get to the gym to keep up with my results!” – C.D. Lost 11.5 inches!

“I started treatments at Nu Body, and it was amazing! By the end of my twelve treatments, I had lost 15 pounds and 9 inches from my midsection, with no downtime and no surgery! I would highly recommend the Lapex BCS and Nu Body Contouring! They really helped me start my path to a healthy lifestyle!”– J.L.

To learn more about Nu Body Contouring, and to see more results from real people, just like you, visit: www.nubodycontouring.com


Watch Dr. Dubyak’s new 60 second corner

Watch Dr. Dubyak’s new 60 second corner video as he talks about the Lipo Laser! http://ow.ly/4nnpf

Check out the winners of the Souper Bowl

Check out the winners of the Souper Bowl on KDKA’s Pittsburgh Today Live! Learn about Camp Cadet and the event! http://ow.ly/4g6KO

Make sure to watch Pittsburgh Today Live

Make sure to watch Pittsburgh Today Live tomorrow morning at 9am on KDKA to catch all the details about the Souper Bowl! An IMS event!